Bloggy Help:

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Blogging Tips, Tricks, Hacks, and How-Tos

The blogging world changes all the time, so remember some of the info listed here may have changed, even though we try to keep it updated.

New to blogging and need a few tips? We recommend visiting here first:

Finding your way in the blogosphere (a step by step guide to blogging)
Includes the following instructions:
  • purchasing a custom domain (or .com) for your blog
  • how to leave a comment on a blog
  • how to add your photo to your Blogger profile
  • ensuring privacy on your blog
  • explanation of Blogger in Draft
  • how to change your blog's template
  • how to add your own banner/header
  • how to change fonts and colors
  • how to add someone else's button to your sidebar
  • how to add a gadget to your sidebar (including Followers)
  • how to add a Blogroll or list of blogs you read to your sidebar
  • how to link Facebook to your blog

View our sample Beginner Blogging Class!
It does not include the very recent updates to Blogger. Some of the features addressed in the video will be only slightly outdated. Overall it is an extremely useful video for the beginner blogger.

Link to the video HERE.
Password: beginnersluck

If you have written your POST content in a text editor such as Word or Works, copying and pasting into BLOGGER'S posting space will make it appear to have brought your formatting and text in, but it will actually make a supreme mess of the post. Outside programs like Microsoft Word bring in a lot of unseen and undesirable coding which adds a ton of extra spacing, wingdings, errors etc. into your posting space. To avoid this, you should either write the content directly into Blogger to begin with, or copy from your text editing program (not Word) and paste into a quick gadget like Notes or Sticky Notes. Then re-copy and paste into Blogger from there. It's crazy, but it works!

Linking directly to an email address will NOT protect it from spambots. To protect your email address from spambots, you'll need to avoid using the at and period signs (@ .) when sharing your email address anywhere on your blog. That's why you'll sometimes see people write their email addresses out like this: BLOGGUIDEBOOK {AT} gmail  {DOT}com. Please be aware that many spammers are using real people to spam you...just because you use Blogger's word verification does not mean you will not receive email/comment spam. Just delete it and forget it.


Custom Blog Designers
A-Z of Blogging Tools and Resources

Free Design Resources:

Stock Xchange (free stock photography)
DaFont (free fonts)
Vecteezy (free vector art)
Brusheezy (free Photoshop brushes)
Fresheezy (free website themes)
Cutest Blog on the Block (free blog designs)



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  5. Great blogging tips beginners. They must also know that blogging is not an easy task and they must work hard to meet their goals

    Best Blogging Platforms – What is a Blog

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