Google Juice -
Definition: Google juice is a slang term for PageRank. One of the ways Google determines the relevancy of things you search for is by looking at all the backlinks, or the pages that link to it. It's like a popularity system based on hyperlink "votes."
Not all backlinks are created equal, however. Pages with higher PageRank
(more Google juice) transfer more relevancy to pages they link to. So
rather than focus on sheer quantity of links, you should focus on the
quality links and try to attract or create links from pages with the
most Google juice.
BLOG PARTS AND PURPOSES (not in alphabetical order):Akismet: A useful plug-in that catches spam comments.
ALT tag: The Alt, more correctly called the Alt attribute of the tag, is a way to tell search engines what an image is about. Since search engines don't index the contents of images, if you don't provide a meaningful description of the image in the Alt attribute of its tag, search engines won't index any information about the image except its name.
Anchor text: Anchor text is the text of a hyperlink The importance of anchor text for SEO is significant because search engines pay a lot of attention to it and if there are keywords in the anchor text, this helps to rank better.
Blog: Short for ‘web log.' An easily updated website usually focused around one topic. Header (Banner): The topmost part of the blog, usually listing the blog title.
Footer: The bottommost part of the blog often listing navigation and copyright statements.
Sidebar: One or more columns along one or both sides of most blogs main page.
Categories: A collection of topic specific posts.
Post (Entry): Individual articles that make up a blog.
Comments: Enabling readers to leave their remarks.
Captcha: Short for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." The word and letter verification images you need to type in to show you are human.
Permalink: A link to a specific article.
Tags: Labelling/attaching keywords to collect similar posts.
Tag cloud: Displaying tags lists or keywords in a blog.
Blogroll: List of links to other blogs in your sidebar.
Template: The overall blog presentation design.
Plugins: Small files that add improved functionality and new features.
Dashboard: When you login to your blogging account, it is the first screen with all controls, tools and functions.
Archives: A collection of all your posts on one page. Can be categorized in various ways.
Expandable post summaries: Show a small teaser part of the post on the index page that link to the full post.
Jump: The continuation of a the story on another page to preserve space on index page.
FTP: Short for file transfer protocol. Transferring file to and fro from your web host using FTP tools like Filezilla.
Button/Gadget/Widget: An application, or a component of an interface, that enables a user to perform a function or access a service.
Feedburner: FeedBurner provides custom RSS feeds and management tools to blogs, podcasters, and other web-based content publishers.
Spam: The use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately.
SEO: "Search Engine Optimization." It is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid search results.
Monetization: The addition of advertising to generate revenue on a blog.
TrackBack: A system that lets a blogger see who has seen their original post and has written another entry about it.
RSS: A popular feed format. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.
Categories/Tags/Labels: A way to organize writings/posts, added before publishing so that readers can easily navigate content.
HTML: "Hyper Text Markup Language." A standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets are used to format the layout of web pages.
URL: Stands for "Uniform Resource Locator." A URL is the address of a specific Web site or file on the Internet. It cannot have spaces or certain other characters and uses forward slashes to denote different directories.
HT: means Hat Tip, used mostly in the web world, if you find something that another blogger has written about and you mention it also, you give the original writer a hat tip (in the footer, HT: blog you saw it on/url etc.)
Guest Posting – Writing a blog post for someone else’s blog without getting paid. Find out what you’d want to do that here and how to go about it here.
RSS Feed – A way of following a blog and finding out when it’s been updated. Find out more here. Stands for Really Simple Syndication.
RSS Aggregator – A service that automatically checks RSS feeds for new items so you can keep track of changes to multiple blogs in in one place.
Permalink – The website address for each of your blog posts which someone can use to link to your post and which Google will refer to when ranking your blog. or example:
Podcast – An audio recording of a blog post or a blog post which is only available as an audio file. Learn more in the podcasting guide.
Susbscribers – These are your most loyal readers. The people who sign up for your email updates or register for your RSS feed are your subscribers. Nurture and cherish them.
Themes – Templates which govern the lay out of your blog. I recommend free theme 2010 or the premium theme Thesis.
Trackback – A protocol that allows a blogger to link to posts on other blogs and pings (emails) the other blogger to let them know. Blogging software that supports trackback includes a trackback URL (website address) so each post displays other blog posts that have linked to it, usually above or below the comments.
infographic: visual representations of ... meaning and understanding
blug: blog hug, or virtual hug
destash: Clean out all your craft supplies and make something with the excess, or give it away, sell it, toss it. (usually to make room for more stash).
junkie: A person who really loves to collect, buy, sell, etc. (almost addicted to)a certain thing, such as antiques, blogging, surfing the web etc.
hubs/hubbs/hubby: A shorter version of husband
lurve: Love, a strong expression of appreciation.
wv: "wv" in the comment section means "word verification." Often, comments require a word verification before they can post. And sometimes those jumbled letters actually spell something quite fitting, funny, or both. Some commenters like to include their "wv" along with their comment to share the joke. It might look something like this: wv: smilly "A silly smile." Think Balderdash of the blog world.
link love – Linking to another blog without being paid or asked to.
lurker - A blog reader who never comments.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who says/writes this, but I 'bloggle'. Instead of googling, I bloggle, i.e. search blogs for info. Personally, I prefer to get info from bloggers who have actually tried something and written about it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just me though ;)
Ha! I love that Colleen, I do that too, now I have a name for it. My answer to my husband all the time is "google it", I am going to trip him up next time and say "bloggle it!" :)
ReplyDeleteWow, this is intense! Thanks for all of this!
ReplyDeleteI love your funny words that I can't wait to share some with crafters. I hope to share some that I use. I have a list of all the mishaps from the first day I posted my announcement about my new show on etsy and along the yrs the stupid or silly things I do or mistakes or learning new crafts and how funny they turned out. I'll share the first mishap but after I finish the list you can read it.
ReplyDeleteI was walking home and wanted to post how I started on etsy using my phone and I was so excited to see my first comment "I think you mean" it autocorrected it to and I never deleted it because I want newbies to see that mistakes happen and it's not over or just laugh about it and comment back with something witty. Everyone understands we will make mistakes along the way but as you can see from my list and how I've built my business to succeed still.