Lyndsay, here—graphic designer behind The Blog Guidebook. When I was on vacation recently at my parents' housey, I spent about an hour each night lying with my son, helping him fall asleep. If it meant I would buy myself 2 hours to spend with family downstairs, then so be it! And while a headstrong 3 year old fought the lure of sleep, I read and read and read over at Pioneer Woman. If you don't know her, visit her siteHERE. She has lots of great things to say about photography, and even though I have a photographer for a husband, and took classes in college, sometimes you've got to hear it from someone else in just the right way. I was able to make sense of a few things that were still pinballing around in my head. And to top things off, she has a whole set of Photoshop Actions for your photographs! With one click of a button, it does the work for you. The first time I tried it, I literally felt guilty that I hadn't had anything to do with the final effect. I was cheating. I think I gasped out loud when my photo turned

In a matter of seconds. Scandalous! Photoshop whizzed through the steps one at a time at breakneck speed, and I ended up with an beautiful antique photo of my great-grandmother's beautiful antique writing desk. And while I know how to create this look, it would have taken me far longer to do it on my own. And if someone else offers it to me fast and free, I'm a taker! ;)
So run over to her site and check out her tips. HERE is the link to the Photoshop Action Sets.(I had to Google how to install them on my Mac, but it was simple once I found a few tutorials to choose from.)
Now go and be inspired!
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