Bloggy Help:

 photo socialmedia_zps413c1040.png  photo helpdeskbutton_zpsb16b6c42.png  photo instagram_zps73b3c07a.png  photo header_zps97df3d3e.png  photo needamakeover_zps6d19d8a9.png

Day Six - Creating Blog Post Images To Use on Pinterest and Instagram

Tutorial on how to use Picmonkey to make great post images for your blog

When it comes to images on a blog - size matters! If you don't have the correctly sized image then it won't look perfect in its placement. This is one area where you can be perfect and look very professional.

We have a great tutorial to create buttons for it and see if you get some inspiration. If you need tips on sizing your images check the list below.

How to make a button for your blog - tutorial from The Blog Guidebook

You can use this tutorial to make great blog post images that help a reader to click on your image faster, hence getting them to your blog faster.
  • Instagram - 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Pinterest -  735 x 1102 pixels
  • Facebook - 1200 x 628  
  • Twitter - 1024 x 512
In experimenting with the fastest, easiest way to create images we know will work well in most social media feeds, we came across a couple of image sizes that work well: one size for horizontal (landscape) images and one for vertical (portrait) images.
  • Horizontal (landscape) – 1,024 x 512
  • Vertical (portrait) – 800 x 1,200
Changing Image Size - if you don't have access to Photoshop then I suggest PicMonkey (again), sorry for the repeat!  Upload your image, make any changes and then save at the pixel size you require.  If you're starting from scratch on PicMonkey, you can choose a custom image and start with the size you want it to be, then add your image and graphics to that space.

We've also written about how ALT tags can enhance your images being found in a web search. You can do that from Blogger...and it's easy peasy.

After you'd uploaded an image it is easy to add a link to that image, but you should ALT text on the just added image, and a bar of choices will pop up. You've seen them before. Click on Properties.

Then the box below will pop up and you will type your description in the Alt Text box, then click OK.

Usually in the ALT TEXT box I use a good description and where the photo can be found...something like:  "Useful Guidelines To Blogging at The Blog Guidebook". Etc.

Cropping Your Image -
PicMonkey allows you to crop your image pretty much a click away from when you uploaded it.
You can also change image size via HTML in the sidebar if you're using Firefox as your browser. After you've uploaded your image, click Edit HTML and you can drag the image larger or smaller. It's a great trick, but it doesn't work in Chrome (or others).

I know I've thrown this at you very quickly...but you can do it. Don't be afraid to move things around a bit and try new sizes, fonts, colors etc. You can always put it back the way it was. 

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