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Things To Do Instead of Blogging - Here's Your Free Pass

I tried. 

I really did.

 I wanted to be a good blogger and post for ya'll every day in January. 

Didn't happen did it. 

It's the 15th and I got to about 50%. So I apologize for not accomplishing my goal and I hope it hasn't let you down too much. We can always discuss later right?

Today I'm making a list of all the things I did instead of blogging...does your mind work this way too?  Here's what I've been doing:

  • Tiling my kitchen
  • Dealing with a case of head lice and all it entails (see below)
  • Major housework
  • Major laundry
  • Major everything
  • Teaching my kids (homeschoolers)
  • Teaching other people's kids (homeschool classes)
  • Making ribbons for my Etsy shop
  • Celebrating my daughter's 25th birthday (baking)
  • Helping my mom move house
  • Organizing things
  • Moving furniture/redecorating
  • Beginning prep for moving
  • Searching for a new home
  • Shopping and cooking dinner every night
  • Dealing with food allergies
  • Letting dogs in and out every hour (old dog)
  • Binge-watching The Walking Dead and Hell on Wheels while not sleeping
  • More cleaning
  • Cleaning out the garage so we can park in there before it snows
  • Taking furniture and other items to sell to my flea market booth
  • Researching and planning for the Pinterest class I co-teach
  • Breathing, eating, a little sleeping

What have you been doing the past two weeks? Don't envy me...the other half of the time I'm dealing with winter blues...yes, I'm complaining. This So Cal gal does not like winter and lack of sunlight. Anyway!

I just wanted to give you a FREE PASS if you haven't been blogging so far in 2016. 

It's okay. 

In the grand scheme of things, blogging will be there when you get back.

Hope the rest of your month is awesome! 

(Like a trip to Florida or something!)



  1. Oh, head lice... Bless your heart! We have a lady in town who owns a business that only treats head lice! Our daughter got it last year and I took her straight from school to Nit Not! She guarantees that once you leave she will no longer have lice - you just have to go home and deal with all the laundry and quarantine-ing brushes, etc.

    And, I definitely think you deserve a free pass! Blogging every day? I can't even imagine! It's hard enough for me to crank out 2-3 a week! We'll still be here whenever you post! Have a great day!

  2. Yes you do deserve a free pass you have been really busy i hope you will get everything done. You could try Braggs apple cider vinegar for the head lice

  3. I'm one of those who haven't posted yet. I'm so exhausted when I get home from work and I still have my Christmas bins hanging around to be put away. I will be posting again, but it was nice to read your post. Happy New Year! Diane


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