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Spotlight with Julianna Morlet

Julianna Morlet. I think her name alone makes her sound famous. Julianna has quite a gem of a blog! This young singer, writer, blogger, wife, speaker, player on the stage of life, has a lot to say in a very inspiring way. She has such a sense of self-understanding, somehow. And seems wise beyond her years in a lot of ways. Her blog feels easy, uplifting, creative, and has a great energy. To put it in her own words:

And she sure is trying! Julianna manages all aspects of her blog with great aplomb. And it's all very clear and organized. She is currently working on fer first book (find out more, HERE). She and musically talented hubby have their own lovely album out, Light Up

Julianna is seriously passionate about and dedicated to her blog and the causes she loves. And she offers some really great blogging e-courses, as well! She will help you find your story, give you tips to make your blog look great, social media monsters, crafting your best posts, and resources and web tools. You can find our more HERE (just click on e-courses in the sidebar).

So click on over and learn a little something today! Maybe even be inspired to become a better you...


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