Bloggy Help:

 photo socialmedia_zps413c1040.png  photo helpdeskbutton_zpsb16b6c42.png  photo instagram_zps73b3c07a.png  photo header_zps97df3d3e.png  photo needamakeover_zps6d19d8a9.png

How To Re-Size Buttons To Fit In Your Sidebar

Button Heart - find it here

 Not real buttons! You know...on your blog.

It's fun to grab buttons off of the blogs you love to read isn't it? Sometimes they come in odd sizes though.

Are some of the buttons not showing up properly and cut off after you paste them in your sidebar? ... Do they seem too big for the sidebar space? ... You can resize them to fit! Here is a little trick:

All you have to do is add a tiny bit of code after the button code ends:
width="180" height="180"

You can of course, change the 180 to whatever size you need, such as 150 or 125 etc. Basically whatever the size is of your sidebar. (To find your sidebar size you will need to go to your Design Page, Template Designer, and Adjust Widths). If you don't have any idea what a button is or what code is, you might want to read THIS first.

So the code for your button should look somewhat like this when you're done (the bright blue is the new code):

Make sure the width and height are inside the code closers: /></a>

Good luck! Let us know how it works for you.


  1. Thank you so much for explaining this so well! I can't believe I understand the directions... miracle! Love learning something new!

  2. Ahhh.... thanks a bunch! I never knew I could resize them this way. :D Sea Marie

  3. What a cute image! You guys really do ROCK over here!!!!

  4. Works perfectly. Thanks so much for this.

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I spent hours a few weeks ago trying to figure out how to re-save and reconfigure my buttons. This was so easy! :)

  6. Thanks so much for the tip! So helpful!

  7. Just found your very helpful explanation in Google and it worked perfectly! Thank you so much

  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This helped so much. I am new to blogging and am so excited I found your blog! :)


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