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Become An Artist With Waterlogue

This app is incredible, especially if you're a photography app geek like know who you are...anyway, I came across this awesome developer and you're going to love what this watercolor creative app can do.

Cost: $2.99

Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.  (I've been using on a 4 and it works great, just a little more slowly).

Here are a few examples made with my photos...

Before - on Instagram
After - with Waterlogue

Before - on Instagram
After - with Waterlogue and WonderForest's Instavation
You can actually take so-so pics with your phone and turn them into watercolor have to click over to the Waterlogue App site and see all the huge and beautiful examples displayed...they are mouth-watering. This app has inspired me to get out my actual box of watercolors and some brushes, dust them off, and try my hand at "real" art again. I love the dogwood blossom piece, and I can get it printed to put on my wall...I took the photo so it's real art right?
This is so adorable...can I have this for real please??? via #waterlogue

I hope you'll take a moment to check out this amazing app and also peek at Wonder Forest's app page...she's a cool Canadian with several apps under her belt...

Remember to enjoy your apps! Check out my other app reviews. And if you'd like to follow all my appy shenanigans on Instagram, check me out here: Instagram


  1. Oh my, this is super cool. But I feel a wave of sadness coming over me as a watercolor painter. There goes the business!

    1. Megan, I hear you. Although it has inspired me to want to learn to be a better there's always that. Thanks for your thoughts!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just wanted to say a big big thank you, your blog has ben so so sooooo helpful!! Still only just getting there on the design side, so reading all your tips has been great!! THANK YOU!
    Ps my blog is if you wanted to have a look...even give me some notes if you like :-) xx

    1. You're very welcome Hannah! I checked out your blog and I think you're off to a great start! Maybe add a few more posts to the front page, or place the links to other posts higher up? That way readers will know where to go next. And I love Boots! Wish we had them here in the US. Keep blogging!

  4. Oh my gosh, this is SUPER freaking AWESOME! Thanks for the tip!

  5. That's a cool app. Thanks for sharing blog tips.

  6. So what if you don't have an Iphone? I have a android based phone.... anything on that cause this is CUTE! Thanks! Victoria


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