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Wish You Were Here! My first video

Hey Friends! This is Sarah and I'm at Bloggy Bootcamp in Scottsdale, AZ this weekend! I'm trying my hand at vlogging! Here's my first video. Stay tuned for more to come from Scottsdale!
P.S. This is unedited and in my hotel please forgive me! Keep blogging!
And I'm not endorsing Starbucks, because I had Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf yesterday!


  1. Hello there! :-) You sound exactly like I thought you would sound!

  2. You're over in my neck of the woods (Phx Metro area) - yeah! Scottsdale's beautifu, I lived there for awhile (Many, many moons ago!) and it's awesome! Enjoy our desert sunshine and weather!! And give us great tips on "Vlogginh" cause I cannot figure out my screen shot or video thingy,...I'm so techno=challenged!


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