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Blogger of the Week - Shabby Art Boutique

Shabby Art Boutique
If you think about it, it's almost Christmas...and that leads me to think about calendars and the new year...then I stop thinking ahead or else I get overwhelmed! I was searching for cute calendars this week and I came across this lovely blog full of goodness from Australia called Shabby Art Boutique (and her logo is my initials!)! Don't forget to download your free Christmas calendar and get inspired for a great holiday season!

We really love Kerryane's clean and spacious blog style, her vintage colors and great inspirational/seasonal content. You will too!

Kerryane's blog also hosts a Shabbilicious Friday link party every week, wrote a Simply Christmas magazine and an e-book titled Simply Shabbilicious!

Simply Shabbilicious Book

Blogger of the Week - branch

Would you like to be our Blogger of the Week? Send us an email with your details.


  1. thanks for sharing interesting blogs and resources out in the world wide web, appreciated.
    ava g

  2. i loved kerryane's sweet blog!
    thank you for sharing your
    friend with us.

  3. Love Kerryane's blog & style! Great post!

  4. Awwww... thanks Sarah and Lyndsay. So thrilled to be featured and will be returning the linky love.
    ♥ Kerryanne
    Shabby Art Boutique


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