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Where Do You Blog? Where's Your Blog Spot Linky Party

We love finding out about our readers' REAL lives! And we love sharing our own...

It's time for this year's Where's Your Blog Spot Linky Party!!!! Yippee! All you have to do is take a photo of where you love to can be your office, the couch, your fave comfy chair, wherever...just take a quick pic of your "blogspot" and create a blog post about it (adding the image of course). Then grab the URL to that post and add it to our linky party. It's going to be so much fun seeing where we all get the blogging done! Can't wait to visit everyone's spot!

Our party will be tell your friends to add their blog spots too!

Here's mine:
Blog Spot #1
This chair is pretty much my number one's right by an air conditioning vent, it looks out at my new couch (I shipped an Ikea Ektorp sofa to my house! I know, crazy...), and I can see out the front door if I have I can put my feet up on the table in front of me (where my coffee cup is...). When I blog I love to have quiet...usually at six in the morning or late at night. I also love my Starbucks Organic Yukon...have to have a little Joe.

Blog Spot #2

This next spot is my most recent invention... there was a little-used corner and I stole my daughter's small desk to put there. It's great because it's near a plug and a lamp. Plus, it's you like my Bee Calm and Carry On framed print? You could have one if you knew someone who made them.

Anyway...there's my two spots, although I have been known to lie in bed and blog for hours when I'm not feeling well and when my kids let me.

Hope this has inspired you to share your blog spot! See you there!


  1. how fun to see where everyone works! I showed my beading table/ workshop and when I'm away I try to work outside for inspiration

  2. Your blogging spot is beautiful! I love your little banner pillow!

    1. Thanks! I found the pillow on Etsy and LOVE it so much!

  3. I like this, indeed the place really inspires how we write! :))


Comments are how we stay connected as bloggers. Let us know how you feel and we'll return the favor...stay calm and blog on!!! And guess what? You'll never find Word Verification on our gets kind of annoying when you can't read what WV wants you to verify right?

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