Bloggy Help:

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Meet The Sneaky Momma

If you don't already know Jill, the Sneaky Momma, then we would like to introduce you! She's a gal after our own hearts...she loves to help bloggers in need! Please pop over to Jill's blog and say howdy!

I am a blog designer who writes easy-to-follow blog tips for bloggers at all levels of expertise. Sneaky Momma Blog Design is a great resource for the beginning blogger. I offer free help for bloggers through the comments section of my blog. 

I created my first blog in 2007 in order to record the events and photos of my growing family. It didn’t take long before I wanted to make my blog better. One quick look at the price of a makeover by a professional blog designer revealed that if I wanted my blog to have a facelift, I would have to learn how to do it myself.

After countless internet searches and HUNDREDS of hours of practice, I gave myself my first three-column makeover. Several people commented on it and asked how I added a third column. Rather than give them the 3-4 links that I combined info from in order to figure it out for myself, I decided to write a easier-to-understand post detailing how I did it. So many people were helped by this tip that I created another post to help others add a grab box for their buttons.

Pretty soon I was cranking out a tip a week and decided that my tips needed their own space. Out of that need, Sneaky Momma Blog Design was born!

Why Sneaky Momma?

I called our girls 'sneaky' when they were into everything as a young toddlers. When we would play peek-a-boo, I would ask where my sneaky little girls were. They loved it and would erupt in giggles every time.

I was trying to come up with a unique name for my new blog when my oldest daughter came up to me and said, "Sneaky mommy! Are you on the ' puter?" The light bulb came on, the keys clackety-clacked, Blogger approved and Sneaky Momma was born!
The Sneaky Momma


  1. I love this! Thanks for introducing me to Sneaky Momma - a woman after my own heart! :)


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