Bloggy Help:

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Last week we tried out a Facebook "gadget" maker called Pagemodo. And guess what? We really liked it as it was super easy to make a landing page for our Facebook page. Basically, you just have to add images from your blog (or new ones). It was really simple because it also let us choose which page we wanted (in case you have several FB pages) and it installed for us. Now there's something pretty to look at when a newbie goes to our Facebook page (and it has links that work too!).
If you try it and decide you don't like it, then removal is simple too. Just follow Pagemodo's instructions.
Give it a shot and let us know what you think!


  1. Thanks for the tip. I tried Pagemodo's landing page but didn't want to pay for the upgrade. This would have given me the "Like" gate. Without that certain call to action, I'm not exactly sure what a landing page is for. I need to play around with the design to see what I can do with the links, etc.
    Still, it was a fun way to play around with a landing just need to figure out why I need to do it!

    1. Patty, there are some freebies to get the like gate...I'll look into that.

      Some good reasons for a landing page: explain what you'll offer on your page vs. your site, link to a freebie just for liking on fb, link to other popular pages on your blog that readers might not yet know about.

      This is another good one...

      You can have two for new likers and one for those already following.

    2. Here's one with a free friend gate:

  2. To see a whole slew of options for a landing page, or welcome page on Facebook, just type: tab or static in the search box at the top of your Facebook page. You'll get a good list to look at.

  3. I just tried Pagemodo. I like it. It makes a cool Welcome page. I am going to leave it up for a bit and see what happens!

    I have a few bucks in free advertising left, so I set it to land on this page when clicked. After that runs out I may try one of these others.
    Thanks for the info!


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