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Guest Post: Twitter - Give the Bird A Chance

Here are my top 3 reasons for giving the bird a chance.
First, I start by saying I thought Twitter was the most moronic social media invention I have ever been a part of. 

When I began I had 10 followers for the first 2 months. I tweeted maybe twice a week and they read something like, "Just ate breakfast" and "Just ate dinner." Seriously, what was the point of this unnecessary machine? 

That was until I started connecting with real live people. 
I started searching topics that interested me, clicking on trends that caught my eye, and realized there are a lot of people in this world that have the same goals, lives, and passion as me! That day, Twitter became less about how many followers I could persuade and more about who I could connect with. 

I just directed a girls conference and 20% of our attendees came from Twitter.
I am organizing the same girls conference, except now on the East Coast, and that began on Twitter.
I became a writer for because of Twitter.
I've met over a dozen worship leaders through Twitter. 
I'm getting to hang out with Tiffany Thurston and some worship leaders/musicians in Nashville, all because of Twitter.
This list could go on and on and on.

Moral of the story: When you are intentional and specific, Twitter will become your greatest social media tool. It's not about the # of followers you have trailing your every random thought, but rather the relationships you make through the power of connection.

With that, here are my Top 3 Reasons for Giving the Bird a Chance.
1. Connect with people you would never ever meet in real life. 

2. Hashtags (#) will focus your world. Use them to get topic specific information and connections.

3. Promotion power is viral. If you write something well, people like it, they will retweet it (aka. talk about it) because you've made it accessible. Rinse and repeat. 

Give the bird a chance. And if you do, make sure you come say hi! (@juilannamorlet)

Do you have any Twitter tricks or resources to share?

Written by Julianna Morlet
Follow Julianna on Twitter, Facebook or her Blog

1 comment:

  1. I love twitter, started using it back in 2008. It's changed quite a bit since then. I've gathered many valuable informational resources as a result of using twitter, and learned so much!!

    Great post Juilana!


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