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Top Blog Winner Announced - Thoughts of a Cardmaking Scrapper

We are pleased to announce the winner of Top Blog for 2011! Chosen by the readers!

Thank you to all who participated and who donated prizes. We hope it was a lot of fun for everyone involved.

We wish you all a joyous holiday season.


  1. congrats to the winner! I'm ready to send off cards to the runners-up - will you be sending me this info?
    thanks much
    amy of four corners design

  2. Congratulations Michele. I'm stoked a card maker won! Your site is amazing.

  3. Congratulations Michele! You deserve to be tops - because your work is amazing! Thanks for all the time you put into your blog and for your dedication to your readers as well. We so look foward to seeing what you have for us each day!

  4. So well written by Kim Rosati - SO AGREE!!! Plus she is an amazing crafter and friend!! Congratulations, Michele!! xo

  5. I am so excited to have won! I have been so incredibly touched by people's has been very heart warming! Thank you so much!!!


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