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Just in time for Father's Day

It's true, we're a rather girly site here at The Blog Guidebook, so we decided we better implement a new category for our dear husbands, dads, and men bloggers. We just started FATHERHOOD - DADS ARE BLOGGERS TOO and GUYS, MEN, DUDES. We hope you'll check out these new categories and tell your male counterparts about them, they might want to be in the Guidebook too!

Please welcome our first official dad blogger:



  1. If you have not read Dan's blog (yeah first name basis here...hee hee) then you have not been reading!

    He is awesome, funny, caring and forthright. Most of all he loves his kid and tells it like it is!

    Glad to see the blogbook is putting a section in for the guys too. My hubby has a page and I will let him know.

    ~Naila Moon


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