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Which Would You Rather?

Our 30 Days of Giveaways is starting in a few days and we want to know what you think:

A. Would you rather enter once for ALL the giveaways? You would enter one time and we would choose a winner each day from this pool of entries.


B. Would you rather enter one time for EACH AND EVERY item? You would find the items you want to win, enter in a separate post for each item.

We're debating how to do this very large giveaway and we'd love to know what you'd do.

Please leave a comment below with your suggestion.

UPDATE: We decided to go 50/50...about half of the items are a one time entry and the other half require you to leave a message below the post. Thanks for your input!


  1. It doesn't matter to me but I think you'd have more visitors if you did this separately. Up to you. I'll be here either way. Thanks so much!

  2. I prefer to enter once but of course will do it either way...FUN!

  3. I think I like the second option better, but both work. It's nice of you to ask.

  4. ofcourse ONE time sounds good to me..but whatever is fine!

  5. Of course entering once is easier but I'm with the 'whatever I'm here anyway' crowd.

  6. I think it should be separate because there might be some I'd prefer not to win and give more of a chance to those who'd really want it.

  7. Either way is fine - and thanks for having such a wonderful giveaway!!

  8. with all the kids getting out of school and blog times for moms getting decreased, I'd say once but will join in no matter what!

  9. both are good but i'd rather just enter once for all of them. thanks!

  10. once each for each and every
    (2nd option)

  11. i would prefer to enter separately, that way i could enter for the items that i am interested in and let others win the ones that i am not!

    but i totally understand entering just once too, it is easier for sure!

  12. I think separately would be more fun. Yeah it's maybe a little bit for the followers to keep coming back, but it's to win awesome free stuff. Plus it seems more fair that way and you enter what you would actually use :o)

  13. I'd rather pick and choose, makes me think I have a better chance.

  14. I think an entry for each prize. That way I don't win something I could not use but someone else might have really wanted.

  15. Just once please. Only because I'm really short on time and hardly get to my own blog. Thanks.

  16. I'd prefer to enter once. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

  17. One entry for each prize (so winners only get what they truly want) and no jumping through a dozen hoops for additional entries. Thanks!

  18. Entering once would be easier, but I think that once for each thing would be better so there are more chances to win only what you want, and let others win what you don't (and they do)!

  19. Although it would be easier to enter once, we probably should enter once for each item. More visits from your readers is important. Thank you for asking us.

  20. I'm with the crowd, whatever you do I'd be here, but I think separately would be more beneficial for your site!

  21. I like an entry a giveaway. I know it's a lot of work and I'm sure I'll miss a giveaway myself, but that just makes it easier for someone else to win. Either way, I'll be checking in ofter to see what's going on. Thank you!

  22. I'd like to enter once for all the giveaways :)

  23. wow you gals are awesome to do this! while entering once is easier, i'd rather enter for the items i really love. either way, i'll be visiting daily!

  24. How nice of you to ask...
    I know this might not be much help, but it's kind of apples and oranges kind of thing...
    #A probably would be easier on most of us but then #B would be most useful for you and to determine the the best placement of the prizes.
    IMHO 8]
    Either way I will be here and thanks so much!

  25. I would prefer just once, as I'm a busy mom. :) Thanks for asking!

  26. With busy schedule... once would be the best. Give people credit to know a good thing and to come visit when schedules let them... but giveaways would be great to sign up once!

  27. I like one entry, which would be easier, but they both work. Thx for asking our opinion.
    Cant wait for the fun!!

  28. I like option B way better. That way it seems we have more choice and chance in what giveaway items we are most interested in.

  29. Option A would be easier. Entering just once and not having to do it every day especially when some days I just can't get on the computer.

  30. Once would be sooo much easier! :)

  31. I would rather enter one time. Thanks

  32. Both options are good, but I would prefer to enter one at a time.

  33. Hm... entering once is way more convenient, but entering daily is way more fun. Good luck!

  34. Entering all contests at once, one time, would be easiest & least time-consuming for sure. However the odds might be better for some contests if people only entered those they were interested in, on an individual basis. So either way works :)


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