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Who Loves PayPal? I do I do!

Have you wondered what the heck it is and if you should have it? Well, I think anyone who sells anything online might need a PayPal account, or if you're prone to purchasing online too (as I am...). It makes it super quick and you only have to click a few times.
I just read how to buy a coffee at Starbucks on the PayPal blog: "Here’s a quick rundown on how it works. Using the Starbucks Card Mobile app, customers can make their in-store purchases by simply swiping or having their mobile phone scanned—and you can top up your virtual card using your PayPal account. That means the next time you need your caffeine fix you don’t have to search your car or wallet for spare change or dig through your pockets for cash."

PayPal is a secure way to buy and sell on the internet. You set up an account with a credit card or bank account (or without), and this allows you to purchase goods and services from other shops without revealing account information. It also allows you to receive can even send cash gifts without being charged. Speaking of charges, there is a small fee for each transaction (about 1-3%). You can even print your shipping labels from PayPal for no charge at all (postage amount is paid with your account)! When a customer purchases something from you, you get an email and a button appears in your Account Overview that says Ship. It's super easy, and you can mail it from your home or pop it in the nearest mailbox if you don't like going to the post office. I've been saying for months that there should be a way to print shipping labels even if you haven't sold an item, and I found a link to that yesterday! Click here to SHIP NOW (just have an account and be logged in).
Setting up PayPal buttons on your blog is easy too. You just create them on PayPal and then copy and paste into your posts or sidebar. Creative folks can use their own buttons too!

A few other features include: You can send money online and internationally. PayPal has a debit card and a credit card you can apply for with your account. You may use your mobile phone to access your account. PayPal's website is fairly easy to understand and find information. To find out more about PayPal, click here. Or if you have a question for us just drop us an email at The Blog Guidebook.
Plus you can't deny that the name PayPal is super cute. Like a friendly puppy.

Keep Blogging!


  1. This is fantastic . I'm going to start selling some of my knitted items as a way to supplement income for my little family. Paypal - almost everyone I know that has a small business online has this service!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. I won't buy from places that are not well known unless they have PayPal. You have to be careful. PayPal makes it possible for me to use the small companies online.


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