Bloggy Help:

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Guest Blogger Tutorial With Makin' Cute Blogs

We have our first guest blogger with us today, Carolynn from Makin' Cute Blogs! She will be giving you lots of information on how to use the new Blogger editor and how to make your blog look amazing! Makin' Cute Blogs is a great resource for how to's and we're so lucky to have found a great designer to share secrets with our readers. Please take a moment to pop over to Carolynn's site and browse her cute blog designs too! Welcome Carolynn!

I was trying to clean up my site the other day, and I hadn't even realized that Blogger's new posting editor allows you to condense your posts on the main page and click on "Read More" to read the rest of the article. It is a fabulous way for your readers to be able to find what they are looking for more easily, with out having to scroll down long articles.

The new tool offered is called the Insert Jump Break tool. This is what it looks like:

Here is how you post and use the tool:

If you do not see this toolbar, it is probably because you are still using the old editor. To get the new editor, go to your "Settings" tab and "Basic".

Scroll to the bottom and make sure that "Updated Editor" is selected.

And there you have it: Condensed Summary Posts that are expandable!


  1. Thanks for the tip. Wondered what that was for. Have a great Sunday.

  2. I am going to need to try that...I do not touch places that I do not know...
    I am glad that I have found you, I am looking forward to learning more to better my on in Oregon

  3. I have been following "Makin Cute Blogs" for some time now and Carolyn has a wealth of blogging information!! She Rocks!!

  4. Thanks for the tip! I popped by your blog and am looking forward to poking around and seeing all the great blog tips.

  5. I do have that toolbar in my editor and tried to do the jump break, but it doesn't show up in the actual post. Hmm.....

  6. I tried it as well and it doesn't seem to be working...

  7. I take that back! I got it to work, just had to refresh the page a few times. Thanks!


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