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I Don't Like Mondays...but I should

Mondays are a great day to start checking out some cool linky parites and giveaways! Check out our linky party pages for Monday. We have over 25 parties listed! Let us know if we have missed any new ones. And take a quick peek at the new color for Holiday With Matthew Mead too!


  1. I struggle with Mondays too. That's why I do a Pick-Me-Up post every Monday. It forces me to celebrate the day.

  2. I love Mondays! I always look forward to getting started on my projects (for house and home and art designs) for the week. :)

  3. Ugh Mondays ;) I have a nice give away though for all htat leave a birthday wish for Mary Baeth Maziarz on my bolg. You receive an autographed copy of her book "Kick-Ass Creativity" a copy of DIY Design It Yourself" and Woodwings bamboo and bead bookmark!


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