Bloggy Help:

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Blogging Inspiration Play Along With Me - Week One

Brush off the cobwebs! Shake off the dust!! Stretch those fingers to the sky!!!!

Let's play a game and make our blogs even better in January!

Follow along with me every day in January and use the IG hashtag #BLOGGAMES #BLOGALONG to follow everyone's progress...just do what I do in your own creative way! I will post information, maybe a video or two, and links to how I am doing each task. Let me know you're playing along by following me on Instagram at @sarahadab

Day 1 - Photograph yourself for your blog ABOUT ME page (or use your New Year's Eve pic!)

Day 2 - Using a photo editing program add text to your photo and upload to your blog

Day 3 - Sketch out some ideas on paper for a new banner/header for your blog, add color watercolor markers

Day 4 - Scan your completed banner and upload to your editing software, edit out blemishes and add any font/text to make it pop

Day 5 - Check out the latest fonts from or your favorite font warehouse, brainstorm on how you might add them to your blog in a creative way

Day 6 - Using practice creating images to use for your post ideas...make them the size that is perfect for Pinterest or Instagram

Day 7 - Brainstorm a list of post ideas to use throughout the year...for inspirational links come back here on January 7th

(I look forward to working with you on this fun inspirational project for January 2016)!
Take a few minutes to read my FREE STUDY GUIDE from a few years ago that still holds some great blogging guidelines...pass it on!

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