Bloggy Help:

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Blog Like No One Is Reading

blog like no on is reading - by The Blog Guidebook

When I'm writing a blog post I try to write what I would like to read. Then perhaps I'll go back and change the way something sounds and make sure everything is politically correct...(?).

Anyway, we hope you blog because you want to and not because you're on a schedule. You may have noticed we've started taking big breaks around here. We're still here, we're still active and hopefully answering your questions. I can't just pop out a boring blogging posts anymore. Maybe I've grown up a bit.

If you'd like a copy of the above mini poster, let me know and I'll send you a link. Or if you'd like to support The Blog Guidebook habit, you can go to our Etsy site and purchase it as an instant download for $2.99.

Hope your weekend is totally rad!


  1. I've just wrote a blog post about this :)
    Your poster is amazingly inspiring... Wish I had a place to put it! :)
    The Glee Project

  2. was always my philosophy when I started and it has served me well - would love to have the link...thanks!

    1. Amy, send me your email address.

  3. This was just what I've needed to hear lately. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  4. I'd love a copy of the above mini poster!
    Fabulously inspiring! Thank you!

  5. This is great...funny thing is, I do blog like no one is looking because half the time they're not, lol. But seriously, though, I blog for a few reasons. It started out because I honestly wanted to try to make a couple of bucks (ha) but turned into my love of writing and sharing. Now I don't have to torment my Facebook friends with long status's...I can get all of my thoughts out in my blog! Long before there was Internet, I've loved to write and get my thoughts/feelings out. My biggest passion I think is just sharing cool tips or fun facts. Doesn't matter anymore how many page views I get. I just go with the flow. If they're there, they're there. If they're not, I don't sweat it. I mainly count on the search engines with good SEO to find people looking for the answers to questions or for things that I've searched for myself. Many of my pages land on page one...however, many of my pages are nowhere to be found because of competition. It is what it is. Definitely only blog because you love to and for no other reason, because it will get you nowhere.


Comments are how we stay connected as bloggers. Let us know how you feel and we'll return the favor...stay calm and blog on!!! And guess what? You'll never find Word Verification on our gets kind of annoying when you can't read what WV wants you to verify right?

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