Bloggy Help:

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Just In Case We Lose Our Blog Domain

UPDATE 6/10/13:  Obviously we saved it! We're back up and running. If you have questions on how to save your domain once you've missed the deadline to renew, feel free to contact us and we'll share our experience with you! Hugs to all!

June 2, 2013

Hello Friends,

June is our third birthday and we've been so thrilled to have our readers' continued support. We have been planning several celebratory giveaways for the month of June too.

However, yesterday we found out that this blog's domain name has been up for auction at godaddy for a few weeks and we might lose We have been in contact with godaddy and hope to be able to resolve this problem. (Kind of freaking out!).

There are many hoops to jump through, however, and a rather hefty price tag to boot.

Of course, this was no one's fault. I changed my email and was not getting the renewal emails, so it completely flew by me. So, learn from me...mark it on your calendar when your domain is set to expire. If you're not getting any emails warning you to renew your domain name, then look into it. If you've purchased your domain through Blogger then you should set up an automatic renewal. (My credit card date expired so it could not be renewed this year)...dummy!

We will still be here, we just may not have our domain name I hope you stick with us. We'll keep you updated. This should all come to a head in the next few days.

Then, just maybe, we can really celebrate our three years blogging at The Blog Guidebook.

Blessings all round,



  1. Ohhh..nooo...We will still follow you regardless the name...Hope everything goes well.

  2. Happy blog birthday! I hope everything turns out fine! Either way we are stuck with you :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sarah, all you have to do is renew your domain name. You actually have a week to do so even after the domain is old. (I buy and sell on GoDaddy often).

    Just log into your account and renew your domain and you will be fine.

    1. HI! We actually didn't lose our domain, although we were six weeks past the renewal time. It was being auctioned off and it took us about 4 days to gather all the original information to retrieve our account. We purchased the domain via Blogger so that made it harder, we couldn't just go to GoDaddy.
      We also had to pay the renewal fee of $80 plus other fees.
      Do you know how to get our email settings fixed? Ha ha.


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