Bloggy Help:

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Prepping For A Blog Conference Weekend

Last night I spent a little while putting together some outfit ideas for my trip next week to Phoenix. I'll be spending a few days at the Zona Resort with the SITS Girls at their Bloggy Business Conference...and I'm hoping the weather is gonna be fine! (It's barely spring here in the midwest, so I'm looking for some sunshine please!)

The outfits above are simple and I know they'll be comfortable. Comfort is my priority...of course, I love jeans and flat shoes (probably because I'm so darn tall), but I also thought throwing in a dress would be fun too. You never know...I might want to take myself out for a nice dinner or something. I get to do that when I'm on a trip by myself...ah peace!

I also tried my best to keep everything affordable...not extravagant. Some of the clothing on is outrageous by the way, if you decide to create a "board" for the prices! If you click on the image it will take you to Polyvore and will list where everything is available from and prices. I am hoping to find that tote in my little city here...definitely need that for traveling!

So, two pairs of jeans (maybe), or I may throw in a skirt or capris in case it is very warm. Plus, I love the little cream colored cardigan shown above...cardis are so perfect for me. Plus they pack well, or I could throw it over my shoulders on the plane.

Some other bloggy conference essentials I musn't forget:

1. Business cards - I'm thinking something really fun this time, so I'll be remembered.

2. Writing utensil & notebook - I must go to Staples and get a few favorite pens. Taking notes is essential.

3. Smartphone - duh!

4. Laptop - I will take my trusty MacBook Pro to write a few posts or make notes. Plus I can do some surfing and check Pinterest while enjoying my quiet time (no kids yelling for a snack).

5. Snacks - speaking of snacks, I'm on a wheat free/grain free diet and will have to pack some homemade treats. I don't want to fall off the grain-free wagon while I'm gone, that's a for sure!

6. List and Goals - I'm working on a list of goals I'd like to accomplish while I'm at the conference, such as meet 30 new people, seek out readers and followers of my blog, hand out a few freebies to those who know me (postcard packs or imprinted cute things), and meet all the event sponsors and hosts. I know Twitter will be a big part of the conference so I should brush up on my tweeting skills too!

7. Tote Bag or Laptop Bag - try to find a bag or tote that will accommodate your needs without being too heavy or bulky. I read a post recently on a Martha Stewart tote from Staples. I'll check into that.

If you're heading out to a blog event in the near future, don't forget that comfort is key to success. You don't want to be inwardly moaning as your toes grow huge blisters from tight, but cute, shoes...or getting annoyed at a strap on your blouse that keeps falling...etc. etc.

Instead of buying a whole new wardrobe (which I'm not doing...I will be shopping my own closet for most of the above) why not grab a pedicure so you can wear the sandals you always wish you could wear out...or get a hair trim and some highlights? A little attention on those things will make you look polished and put together without breaking the bloggy budget.

You could try asking your readers for suggestions too...some might even like to sponsor your trip with a sample pair of handmade earrings or an adorable one-of-a-kind tote bag. You, in return, will thank them graciously and tell all your readers and tweet about really happens!

A week or ten days before the event: get plenty of rest, take your vitamins, eat your veggies, and stay in tip top health so you don't have to miss a thing!


  1. Phoenix is great this time of year. It has been a little warmer than usual but cooler next week. Enjoy your stay.

    1. Yep, it's going to frost here tonight, so I'm excited to find some sun! Yay for Phoenix!

  2. You'll absolutely love the weather in AZ! I just checked the forecast for next weekend and the highs are mid to high 80s in Scottsdale. You may want to pack a swimsuit too. ;)

    I look forward to meeting you.


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