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Blogger of the Week - Sour Apple Studio


Well, this is the coolest thing since sliced bread...check out Sour Apple Studio DIY and have fun creating as many blog designs as you's simple, using one or two clicks to create a new look on a Blogger or Wordpress blog.

Get to know Lindsey, the designer by clicking on her blog.You can also find quite a few cutie freebies...I'm downloading one now to spice up my Facebook timeline...

If you'd like to be considered for Blogger of the Week, just email us.


  1. This looks like a lot of frustrating work just as blogger is when I try to do anything new. I'm going to give your tutorials a try though. Hubby is out of town this week and I plan on a lot of computer time. Wish me luck!

  2. It's been a while since I've visited, and I love the new look! I'll definitely check out Sour Apple Studio, I have ADHD when it comes to my blog design, I'm always tweaking something!


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