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Debbie Does Creations Giveaway No. 8

Debbie Does Creations 

Lots of thanks to Debbie of Debbie Does Creations for helping us celebrate this week!
Show your appreciation and hop on over to her blog - she is giving away 50 personalized announcements or invitations with silver lined envelopes here (and on her blog) are a few examples:

Let us know what you think!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would gift them to my sister to use as a new baby announcement!

  2. my step son and Daughter-in-love are going to be getting married next year and a SAVE THE DATE is in order~~~ these are beautiful.

  3. Our library is having an invitation only fund-raiser - This would be perfect!

  4. Fabulous blog post about you, Debby! I love it!! The Blog Guidebook has helped me more than they will ever know! I truly love and look forward to my blogging friends and their posts every day!
    Best of luck to you!

  5. I would use them for a surprise party for my parents anniversary!

  6. Well, since I don't have any events going on, I guess I would love to have them as personalized notes.


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