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There's a New Kid in Town (I mean Monkey)

Picnik is almost over (yes, our beloved online photo editing resource will be sent to live in the bowels of Google+. Do we use Google+ much?) and we've found you a new friend. Its name is PICMONKEY and it is very similar in use to Picnik. Just remove the "nik" from Picnik and add Monkey. And you get PICMONKEY! Woot!

We tried PicMonkey out and it is easy-peasy! And guess what? It's super fast at uploading and saving (Picnik was a little poky). There are no instructions for PicMonkey yet (that's what we're here for!) so just dive right in and see what you can see.
Just a few of the filters available!

Our new friend Jenn at PicMonkey central sent us this note:
"The Monkey is super thrilled to establish connection with our blogger siblings out there in the web-o-sphere. Please invite your readers to play with our effects and tools and show us how you're using them. Your old Picnik tutorials, never ceased to amaze us with a) how people use things in ways we never imagined, and b) inspiration for continuing our work and c) glimpses and hints about where we should go with new features. We are always listening, on Facebook and Twitter, too, so keep it coming!"


  1. I discovered PicMonkey a few weeks ago and I love it. So happy the guys who worked on developing Picnik found a home and are back at work. I am waiting for a collage feature and then it will be perfect!!

  2. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for letting us know about PicMonkey!!! Picnik was the first site that I used regularly to edit my photos and I was so upset when they announced they'd be shutting down. I don't do well with change but now that I know there's another easy-to-use place to edit photos, I can breathe a little easier. :)

    ~ Wendy

  3. Thank you so much for posting. I will miss picnik. Glad there is something similar to use. I really like picnik and am sad to see it go. Looking forward to using picmonkey.

    @ 3Beeze Homestead

  4. Wow, that is great! Very easy and quick which is what I need. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for posting this! I'm a rookie blogger, and never got around to using Picnik, but will try PicMonkey. You also just helped me determine my newest Techy Tuesday post! Hope you check it out this week!

    ~ Ferly
    Gifts We Use {to grow, love and serve}

  6. I LOVE PicMonkey...I think it is even better than Picnick!

  7. Thanks for the info. I will have to check them out.


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