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Spotlight On: The Stuff of Success

The Stuff of Success

Writing from the heart is what draws you in, and Athena at The Stuff of Success does just that. Athena has a multitude of ideas and many generous offerings on her blog.

Athena says:  "The Stuff of Success is a blog focusing on all aspects of defining, achieving and maintaining success. My husband and I have three children with special needs and it takes a great deal of personal fortitude and devotion to make each day successful. My husband also has two children (men). This blog is a means of documenting our journey, planning future journeys and enjoying it all along the way."

"I offer the following:

     Ideas to make money
     Ideas to save money
     Craft Projects
     Activities for free or minimal cost
     Refinishing projects
     Recycling suggestions
     Upcycling suggestions
     ...And, a little of life's humor to brighten your day"

Just a sampling of her great ideas for crafts are making a fleece boa (instead of feather because the feathers get all over the house), make a homemade gumball machine   and free printables!
The Stuff of Success
A few other great features include Success U Link Up Party and some exceptional giveaways! So click on over to visit Athena and her little family...she'd love you to say hello!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the spotlight - Enjoy your week! Athena (The Stuff of Success)


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