Bloggy Help:

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Self-Promotion - It's a Good Thing (on Pinterest)

Yesterday Pinterest sent out an email to everyone regarding their Self-Promotion policy. We may now pin our own awesome photos an not feel bad about it at all! They have also changed Terms of Service, which you will want to check out HERE.

P.S. Also heard they will be implementing private boards soon, so you can hide your pins (in case you're planning a surprise party etc.)


  1. I have serious issues with pinning my own projects... I feel like it's like high-fiving myself. :)

  2. I was soo happy about that e-mail and I love the idea of hiding things for surprise parties!

  3. So happy to hear they're implementing private boards! I would like to use it for my wedding but I've been afraid to ruin the surprise!

  4. Realllly pleased about the private boards. And I'm actually quite impressed they've listened to people about the copyright concerns too.

  5. Can't wait to have private boards ... will be great for work projects!

  6. I would love private boards!!! Whenever I pin baby stuff, people get all nosey and ask me if I'm pregnant, or if I'm trying to make a gift for a friend, I don't want them to see the stuff I'm pinning!

  7. Now if they would just listen to everyone about HATING the new look - THAT would be awesome too!!!!

  8. That's really cool about the private boards! I loooove pinterest....I love your site too. So helpful! I just found you on restyled home blog and it couldn't be a better time, I just started a blog. I look forward to learning all I can from your site :-)


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