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Grey Likes Weddings - a seriously fun wedding blog

My daughter told me about Grey Likes, and I wasn't that interested...I mean, I'm married! But when my daughter got engaged, I started looking around at wedding stuff. And there's so much of it, that I can't imagine having to plan the perfect wedding (one might get an inferiority complex seeing some of the incredible weddings out there).
Grey Likes Weddings is a stylish take on the wedding blog. Grey Likes shows you some great ideas but doesn't insist you like it too. Grey Likes Weddings styles wedding photo shoots too!

Grey Likes Babies too...oh my, you're going to adore these babies and child-friendly ideas (the style boards are awesome!!!). And Grey Likes Nesting...Lovely home decor that will make us all wish we were as stylish and beautiful. It's a great glimpse into what can be found floating out there on the web, Grey Likes puts it all together and inspires us!
(Grey Likes is the creation of Summer Watkins)

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