Bloggy Help:

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Happy First Birthday to The Guidebook!!

It's been a wonderful wowser of a year! To think that just over a year ago we were having a phone conversation about this little idea that Sarah had to create a "phone book" for bloggers. The blog should be friendly, inviting, and play to our interests, rather than be a cold, sterile database. And what a "big idea" that became! Just look what it's become—all because of our amazing readers!! 

We wanted to reward you all for a year of support and readership by hosting 30 Days of Giveaways! 

We decided to create a separate blog called 30 Days of Giveaways, where we can host all the amazing giveaway items so you can jump to them easily. How it will work: You may go to our giveaway site and sign up one time to win many of the items, OR you can take more time to browse and leave comments on some of the other things. Then, each day in June, we will announce the winner of the day here on The Blog Guidebook. Check out 30 Days of Giveaways now for all the details!

Today you can win our Study Guide and Blog Activities PDF download.
Win a deal from Heartsy tomorrow!
Sign up on our mailing list to get more info on all 30 Days of Giveaways! If you're on the mailing list you are eligible to win a secret prize!

Click on the image to go to tomorrow's giveaway!

And here's a special birthday button for your blogs. So grab the code below, if you'd like to switch it up in your sidebar:

Thanks for celebrating with us!!
We're looking forward to our second year even more!


  1. I love the blog decorations Lyndsay put up last night at midnight! The buntinig, the crown-hat and even a cupcake! It really is a party!
    Thanks Lyndsay!

  2. Congrats and Happy Birthday!!! Love your blog and tips. Blessings, SusanD

  3. Great idea of designs! Thank you for sharig it....

  4. I really like the new birthday button! You all are a wonderful resource for newbie bloggers.

  5. The bunting motif is sooo cute! Congrats!

  6. I'm learning alot on this blog. Thanks for having it & thank you for the giveaways.


  7. Congratulations! I am so glad to have discovered this site. Fantastic. I hope to submit my other blogs as well. And of course, I do plan on featuring your site on GlitterBurned asap. Keep up the great work & best of luck to you.

  8. yay! happy birthday and thanks for planning such a fun giveaway for us!

  9. I like your idea for the birthday party!

    I hope this is where I comment for the first giveaway because I can't find a link to it any where.

  10. What a fun giveaway today! Would love to be entered!

  11. New to you blog - and I've placed your blog button too- love this site! kris

  12. I'm glad I found your site! Thanks for the great content!

  13. happy for you. what a wonderful reason to celebrate!


Comments are how we stay connected as bloggers. Let us know how you feel and we'll return the favor...stay calm and blog on!!! And guess what? You'll never find Word Verification on our gets kind of annoying when you can't read what WV wants you to verify right?

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
