Bloggy Help:

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RSS Feeds

I have been installing social media icons on a few blogs lately. And the #1 question is, what the heck is this icon:

Feed Computer icon.

Basically RSS feeds are the way people subscribe to and read your blog. If you need to know more about what an RSS feed is, visit HERE. Readers can subscribe to your blog in multiple ways. But I noticed something when I was installing the RSS feed button using Google Reader. Some code didn't work in all browsers. But I found the magic code that seems to work across the board for Google Reader feeds!

To offer this code to your readers in the form of a social media button (so that they can subscribe to your blog via Google Reader), or to see what your feed looks like and how many subscribers you have, I am including the code below. Just replace your blog's address (URL) into the red text area. You can paste that into your browser and it will take you to your Google Reader feed. you can also use this as the link for your RSS feed for a social media icon: BLOG URL HERE/feeds/posts/default

On a side note, the popular Feed Burner (another way to offer subscriptions) is now powered by Google, as well. You can find out more HERE.

Looking for social media buttons? We've done a few previous posts about them. Find them HERE and HERE.


  1. Thank you Lyndsay.... this is very useful and just what I am looking for :)

  2. On the RSS topic, do you happen to know how to find out how many people subscribe to a blog by RSS?


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