Bloggy Help:

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Hidden Blogs or Blog-a-holics Anonymous

Blogging is a balancing have to fit it in to your daily schedule. Sometimes I get a bit blog crazy...
I have decided that I am a blog-a-holic. I love coming up with new names and ideas for blogs and I heartily suggest to everyone I meet that they should blog. I am an avid reader of many blogs and I love finding new blogs to tell my friends about. I seek out new ways of blogging and how to make blogs more interesting too. Do you think I have a problem?

Want to hear some of the blog names I have hidden away in my bloggy file?

Someone Named Sarah
Full of Days
Paint & Parcel
Vintage Dogwood
Mommy's Breakfast Club
to name a few...I have 48 by the way

Do you have any hidden blogs that you'd like to share? I'd love to know I'm not the only one out here with this "problem".

Keep Blogging!


  1. OMG i didnt know I wasnt the only one with hidden blogs :P

    I've got 2 of them :D

  2. I've been invited to do a blog on a local e-newspaper called Patch. I am an artist and engineer, so the balancing thing is something I deal with everyday. I did an initial post on "creativity" which I admit was put together pretty quickly to meet a deadline. It got no comments or traffic. What would you suggest? Do I need a catchy title? Should I write about mundane things, or controversial things? Any input or some suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  3. Hi Laura,
    Can you send me the link to your article?
    I actually wrote a section in our new study guide on how to get traffic to your blog and how to write a post title. You might want to check those out. (It's $9.95 and you'll get all the free updates when we add them).
    You can also Google different "gaining readership" subjects and find quite a few good blogs on gaining traffic.
    Hope this helps.

  4. I have several hidden blogs! I get all these brilliant ideas and set out to make a blog, but then I get busy with normal life and such and I find I still have an empty blog so I "hide" it until I get a few posts under my belt which usually never happens :)

  5. Ha! Ha! Sounds like a good pasttime to me, blog naming. :-)) I have a few in my coffers too! I'm not addicted though!! O_0

  6. I think about "hidden" blog names and book titles all the time! Glad to hear I'm not alone.

  7. Yes Sarah, I think we need intervention.
    An A.A. for Bloggers.
    Call it Blogger's Anonymous.
    It has been five minutes since I read a blog. It has been ten seconds since I followed a new blog. One hour ago I
    posted something new on my blog. Is there hope for someone like me?

  8. I have 6 hidden blogs with about 4 more planned. I keep them hidden, but always with the intention of going live eventually... One in particular is just for me, as my homepage, to help me keep my other blogging organized. Ha!


  9. I do have tons of hidden blogs and blog posts; I am always thinking about blogs and blogging. I think in terms of "blog" and am so thankful to always have a camera on me!

  10. so you are the one that has all the great names i think up but can't have! :) i have a few too
    gotta guides (travel)
    not an acre (garden)
    amongst a few others

    glad to know i am not the only one

  11. Oh my gosh! I have 50 blog names on my dashboard. Stay-cation (travel), My Dog Loves Me (pets in our lives), Here's the Dirt(gardening), Quick Dinner (recipes for those on the run) Girl Gone Vintage (Midcentury Love!). Someday....I'll get around to these blogs.

  12. my problem is the follow through. I get overwhelmed with great Ideas and just sit on them.

    Just found your blog, love and, and am now following. Hope you check mine out :))


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