Bloggy Help:

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Some of the new "bloggy" features at The Blog Guidebook

We did a little revamp and want to share our new re-organization efforts with you. Click around and see what you can learn:

We now have a cool new Media Kit! It's listed on our Advertise page.

You can now find our awesome tricks and tips at the click of a button.  Always located in our sidebar!
We're also very proud to debut our Blog Glossary.  This will be a work in progress...but it's kind of fun to read what we've got so far!


Check out our quick link button to our Designer Directory. Great blog designers will be found at the click of a button!

And you can still find our extensive list of Linky parties and Giveaways in our navbar. Don't forget to add yours today!


If you haven't already checked out our Blog Club, we'd love to help you create new blog friends and networks!


  1. everything looks amazing! Love all your new buttons!

  2. I'm very excited about this part of blogging! Everyone seems so nice and just what I need to help get me going! This is a great idea and you are so wonderful to help all of us!


Comments are how we stay connected as bloggers. Let us know how you feel and we'll return the favor...stay calm and blog on!!! And guess what? You'll never find Word Verification on our gets kind of annoying when you can't read what WV wants you to verify right?

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
