Bloggy Help:

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In other news, some more freebies

Totally unrelated to the world of blogging, I am giving away some free posters on my personal blog today! They're feel-goody, 'cause who couldn't use a little more love? Hop on over and check them out:

But while I am at it, why not offer a blogging poster, as well? Just click the image to get the download:

* Feel free to share. Personal use only, please!


  1. I've checked both links, and all seems to be working. Try again, and if you still can't get to the download page, let me know. Thanks!

  2. Love them! Do you mind if I feature one on my blog?

  3. So cute, love the blog one the best! thanks for sharing-

  4. How cool is this. Thanks Lyndsay :) :) I just started a Bible study with some other ladies from church, so these will be really appreciated ;) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  5. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! :)


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