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Giveaway Parade - E Book by Rebecca Cooper

This giveaway is now closed! Thanks for commenting!
The winners are Leslie P Photography and Emily Joyce! Congrats!

40 Top Tips for Better Photos: Simple suggestions for stunning photographs (by Rebecca Cooper)

Photos play a huge part in blogging and attracting's an e-book that can give you some great tips on improving your skills! Thanks to Rebecca from Simple As That, the author of 40 Top Tips for Better Photos for providing this lovely giveaway. Give away will include two winners each receiving a set of e-books, including (1) Rebecca's e-book 40 Top Tips for Better Photos and (2) the companion On-the-go Photo tips booklet. Follow these guidelines to enter:

1. Please be a follower here.
2. Visit Simple As That and let Rebecca know you are entering the giveaway.(one entry)
3. Visit Ella Publishing and peruse their e-book selection.
4. Leave a comment here letting us know which e-book you would purchase.(second entry)

The winner will be chosen from all eligible entries using and will be notified via email and at the top of this post on Monday, October 25th after 12 pm CST. Good luck to all entrants!!!

This and many other informative e-books are available at Ella Publishing Co.! Check them out now!


  1. Okay, I left a comment over at Rebecca's cute blog .... that counts as one entry, right? Or is this my first entry??? :)

  2. ... and then is this my second entry? The one telling you how hard it would be to choose between Rebecca's photog book or scrapbooking book? :)

    (And I do follow!)

  3. Love her blog... left a comment over there to enter the giveaway! :)

  4. I am a follower!

    Wonderful e-books! Besides the obvious wanting Rebecca's Photo Tip book... the Christmas crafts book looks fun!

  5. i do own her Real.Life. Scrapbooking book and love it.
    am a new follower and am loving that too.

  6. will be leaving a comment on her blog as well. such a wonderful person she seems to be. so down to earth.

  7. I left a comment on Rebecca's lovely blog :)

  8. I would love to get the "Design Workshop" ebook. Or the "Time to Scrapbook" one.

  9. I follow and I NEEED (in all caps) 40 Top Tips for Better Photos pleeeese

  10. I visited Simple As That and commented (and copied a recipe!)pumpkin AND gingerbread yum

  11. I added her on Google friend and left a comment on her darling blog!

  12. It is hard to chose between her e-books, they all seem so helpful!

    But my favourites are:
    Design Workshop
    40 Top Tips for Better Photos
    Picture Perfect
    Special Effects!

    :) Senja

  13. I would probably buy "Picture Perfect". Always looking for good quality tips when it comes to my photography.

  14. I'm became a follower of Simple As That.

  15. Some other e-books that I would considering purchasing:
    Design Workshop
    Text Tricks for Scrapbookers
    Special Effects for Digital Photos
    Picture Perfect

  16. I am a new follower!

    Might need Text tricks for Scrapbookers and Design Workshop.

  17. There are so many to choose from. I've been eyeing Time To Scrpabook, Design Workshopo, and Essential Guide to Scrapbooking Boys (which I purchased).

  18. I love her blog! I would love to win this book. Beautiful photography!

  19. I payed Rebecca a visit and left a comment on her blog. Her blog is lovely!!! Thanks for hosting this give-away...regardless of who wins...stuff like this is always fun. Thank you :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  20. i would love the book Time To Scrapbook, followed closely by 8 is Enough.Fun Giveaway, thanks for the opportunity

  21. i'm a follower here and left a comment on rebecca's fun blog too! hope to win.

  22. i'd also like to win the christmas crafts ebook...looks like fun.

  23. 1. Became a follower
    2. left a comment for Rebecca
    3. visited and perused Ella's e-book selection
    4. chose color yourself creative
    5. thanks

  24. I would get the PERFECT PHOTO. Oh, I think I am going to get the perfect photo book.

  25. I have commented over on Rebecca's blog. I love reading her blog!

  26. I am a follower and I'd love the book UR2 Cre8tive.

  27. I also left a comment on Rebecca's blog. Thanks for offering this wonderful giveaway!

  28. I would buy the Picture Perfect or UR2 Cre8ive from Ella Publishing. Thanks!

  29. I left a comment at rebecca's blog, for a second chance to win!

  30. It was very difficult to choose just one ebook that I like. I believe UR2 Cre8ive is my choice but then again, Vintage Hip Christmas Crafts looks great too. Very hard decision!

  31. Hello, I let a comment on Rebecca's blog.

    There were several ebooks that looked interesting, to narrow it down I would choose: Journaling That Matters and Vintage Hip Christmas crafts.

  32. Yay!!! I'm so excited! Thank you so much Blog Guidebook and Rebecca Cooper!


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