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Learn About Blogs of Note

You may or may not have heard of Bloggers' Blogs of Note. It is a pretty cool deal. Blogger (randomly) grabs a blog from the blogosphere (a Blogger blog of course), and they call it a Blog of Note on their site. This means that MANY people are going to see it. The can go from two followers to a thousand in a day...and that is what is amazing.
It's also one of the goals of the Blog Guidebook to help promote little blogs, big blogs, happy blogs and sad blogs - all blogs. That's what we want to do every day here. We hope you'll help us do that. Visit your sisters in the category you are listed in and tell them positive things, we all need feedback! Wander around our categories, find something new!
The Blog Guidebook will soon start a running list of blogs we think you'd love to know about...More on this new feature coming soon.
So you never might one day become a Blog of Note! To find more Blogs of Note check out Blogger's blog Blogs of Note, and to find a history of Blog of Note click here.


  1. What a great idea. It's always good to hear a word of encouragement. I'm off right now to spread some cheer!


Comments are how we stay connected as bloggers. Let us know how you feel and we'll return the favor...stay calm and blog on!!! And guess what? You'll never find Word Verification on our gets kind of annoying when you can't read what WV wants you to verify right?

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
