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Featured Blog: Career Decisions Made Easy

I was asked to do an interview recently with a wonderful blog called Career Decisions Made Easy. You'll find resources and interviews from people in the field, similar to the spotlights we run on the Blog Guidebook (but career-related, of course). This blog is especially dedicated to finding your niche in the workforce. Here is a little bit about the blog:

Simply put, too many people are stuck in jobs that they drifted into that they don't love. Too many people don't know what they want to do with their lives, from the junior in high school to the freshman in college to the mid level manager that wonders how he ended there in the first place.

To everyone that's looking for something more in their lives than a job that they tolerate, that's why we're here. This blog has tons of information, resources and opinions on the subjects of education, careers, parent help on the subject, and so much more.

We can't guarantee that it'll be easy--nothing worth doing ever is. But it's possible. Why not see what can happen?

A useful link to an article about their book, Conversations: Find your Niche, can be found HERE. You can learn more about the book and purchasing options HERE.


  1. Interesting idea for a book. I wouldn't mind looking into it and reading the other interviews. thx

  2. Sounds like I need to get one for my girl who's about to start her Senior year of high school. ~Em


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