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Where Bloggers Create II

Please tune in for an upcoming interview with Karen. How she got started? What has made her blog successful? All these and more to help you become a better blogger!

Where Bloggers Create is hosted by the lovely Karen Valentine of My Desert Cottage. This is an awesome venue for sharing your creative spaces...the dining room table, the basement, a huge craftroom etc.

Join in the blog party on June 19th and see what everyone is up to...there are even prizes!!!

If you add your space to the party, please leave a message here so we can check you out!
Karen also has lots of design tips for your blogs, so check out her creative ideas!

Valentine Design
Valentine Studio

1 comment:

  1. I'm joining the PARTY!
    Hope to see everyone there and at my blog too!!


Comments are how we stay connected as bloggers. Let us know how you feel and we'll return the favor...stay calm and blog on!!! And guess what? You'll never find Word Verification on our gets kind of annoying when you can't read what WV wants you to verify right?

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
