Bloggy Help:

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Where's My Permalink?

Learn as you go. Or, forget what you've learned when you don't use it! That's what happened to me today...I forgot where to find the Permalink for my posts on Blogger. Even if you haven't written a post yet, you can still create a Permalink to send out.

When you are in the NEW POST screen, look on the right hand side of your screen, and you will see a column called Post Settings. There are quite a few helpful tabs here so you should familiarize yourself to make things easier.

Under Post Settings:

Labels - label your posts to organize them on your blog and to be found quickly by readers.

Schedule - here you can post date, pre date, and set publishing times for your posts.

Permalink - this is the link to the post so it can be found on the web. When you send out a link to a blog post this is what you should use, not just the link to the blog.

Location - this gives you the ability to share where you are posting from geographically.

Search Description - add some key words so your post can be found

Options - under this tab you can allow comments (or not) on the post, see the literal HTML in compose mode, and choose line breaks.

If you need more help understanding how these tabs can work for you please email me or leave a comment here.

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