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How To Make Simple Paper Arrows For Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Paper Arrows Tutorial at The Blog Guidebook

Valentine's Day is a favorite means we are half way through February and even closer to SPRING. My daughters love it and look forward to it every year. This year I am making a cute and simple craft for them to make with their friends on the 13th (yes, Friday).


Straws of any sort...plastic or paper will work
Colored paper - use Valentine colors or whatever your prefer
Wax paper or velum - we happened to have some velum bags that we cut up
Scissors and Glue (glue gun for momma)

First - use your scissors to snip a tiny cut down the edge of one side of the straw and then the other. You will need to do this on both ends but just do one end first.

Second - make your "feather" by taking a 1 1/2 inch rectangle of velum, fold it in half, then clip the edges into a feather shape. Feather out the edges by snipping along and then use a pencil to roll them so the bits are curly. I used my Martha Stewart fancy scissors.

Third - place a drop of glue in the prepared end of the straw. Slip the feather into the slits.

Fourth - use your colored paper to make the arrow head...this is just a triangle shape with the center lightly scored. You will need two triangles, both scored, glue the tips together (or use double sided tape) and then make the opening large enough to slip over the straw. Glue in place.
After you make your triangle arrowhead, cut slits in straw and slip the arrow head in with a dot of glue. The kiddos will probably have an easier time with this method.

Arrows made from straws

Make as many as you can and place in a jar for a great table display. Hang on a string and create an arrow will be remembered every year for your Valentine credentials!

I also threw together a few "darts" for the kids to play with, since it's so cold and gloomy outside...just used cupcake wrappers, straws and beads. Just check around the house for things you can use to throw the darts into.

Easy to make homemade darts for kids...straws, cupcake wrappers, beads.
Homemade "darts" for kids


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