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How Do You Feel About Ikea?

Where I live in the midwest, not many have shopped at Ikea (or know how to pronounce it)...nor do they know what they are missing. To some of my friends here, I am the Ikea Queen...just because when I moved here I brought my stuff with me and had a sofa shipped etc.  I used to live a few minutes from the Burbank location and took my babies there as outings.  Luckily, last September we got an Ikea in Kansas City, which is approximately 3 hours from me, and that made going to KC even more fun (ie. Trader Joe's, Wholefoods, CPK). 

I was just reading on Gizmodo that Ikea will soon be offering a new line of solid wood pieces, available in the US in February. Now that's cool! The thing I like most is that the unfinished wood pieces can be totally transformed into a beautifully waxed or chalk painted piece to go with your decor choices. 

This piece will never replace my beloved Expedit (no longer available), but it's cute.

I adore this orange bench...and I need a few at my new table!

What are your thoughts on you love it or hate it? I love it for the bright colors, the shopping experience (European?), and the meatballs.

Read about my white slipcovered sofa experience delivered by Ikea.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We used to take our grands on outings as well when we lived in Phoenix! I loved it and always came home with a treasure or two. Sadly, we sit between the one in Portland and the one in Seattle and have never been to either due to distance. Maybe I will make it this year! You just can't go wrong with their stuff!


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