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Bloggy Bootcamp St. Louis 2014

At least once a year I try to attend a blogging conference of some kind...and this year it will be Bloggy Bootcamp. Technically I don't need a bootcamp, but I go to rub shoulders with other blogging divas, learn the latest trends and find out which new blogs are getting hot!

Luckily there will be a camp close to me, in St. Louis, Missouri...this is a one day event so I can drive up and not have to stay overnight. Although spending the night is lots of fun and you might make a new friend or two to hang out with! Plus I can do a quick shop at Trader Joe's and other stores that are not available in my small town.

Sadly, all the $99 tickets are gone, but the price is only $130.

Would you like to go? If you're nervous to go alone, let's meet up and we can be friends!

Below are a few details:

A day of learning and networking, honing your blogging skills, and finding ways to work smarter, not harder.
We'll be discussing it all.
  • Building your Audience by Finding Your Voice 
  • Work/Life "Balance"
  • SEO {AKA: How to Make Google Love You.}
  • Working with Brands, Sponsored Opportunities and the Business of Blogging 
  • Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Facebok
  • And More...
When:  April 5, 2014  9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Where: Embassy Suites- Two Convention Center Place- St. Charles, MO
{We have a group rate of $129/night at the hotel! Book your room now!}
Ticket includes: All education, lunch and cocktail party.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nice post! I am nervously excited and I am seriously thinking about attending the conference. I hate I missed the $99 deal on the 15th. I live in STL, so the opportunity is perfect! Check out my site so you can know my face when you see me :)


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