Bloggy Help:

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Resources for Blogging - Newly Discovered

Because my kids and I have been under the weather it has given me a bit of a chance to roam in will want to check these blogs out...(click the caption beneath the image to go to their link) are a few of my discoveries:

Carolynn has been compiling long lists of freebies from around the web

Marie writes awesome coding tutorials for cool things in Blogger!

Find out where an image comes from

Fun and unusual widgets for Blogger + good blogging tips

Cute ideas in branding & logo design from ARMOMMY


  1. These look interesting. Thanks for doing the "legwork."

  2. Great round up, but there are no links to click through and no correct web addresses to type in long hand. What is the name of the last blog? Thanks for the list and I hope your all feeling better soon. ax

    1. Amber...totally bizarro! I added links to all the images as I was writing this post...then I added a caption beneath each image. This must have made the link disappear. So I've gone back in and added again...this time only the caption is the caption to go to each site. Sorry for the problems. Can't figure it out. Must be something bloggy.
      The last one is from ARMOMMY...there is a link in our sidebar. :)

    2. Thank you Sarah, I know Blogger has it's moments. I am off to check them out now. Thanks again. ax

  3. Can't wait to check them out! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for the resources! I was just looking for sites like these. It's nice to find them all in one place!


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