Bloggy Help:

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Find Out How Wide My Sidebar Is - What is the sidebar width of my blog?

A sidebar is any of the columns that run next to your posting space on your blog. You can have one, two, or multi-column spaces on your blog. Our best advice is to keep it simple and have one column, either on the left or the right of your blog.

Locating the width of your sidebar(s) is very easy. When you are logged into your blog follow these steps:

In the DESIGN mode click on TEMPLATE DESIGNER, then ADJUST WIDTHS.  On this screen you can see the widths for your sidebar(s) and the width of your entire blog.


You may adjust these widths by dragging the scrollbar. Be careful not to go too wide in your sidebar as this will cut into your posting space. You can see how this affects the look of your blog in the view space beneath the Blogger Template Designer. Any time you make changes you want to keep click the ORANGE Apply To Blog button.

To find more tutorials to help you blog better click our BGB Tutorials label.

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