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You Had Me At "Felties" - Pinner of the Week

Our winner this week is Jodi...she had me at "Felties", "Bunnies", "Edward Bear", and "Cuppa Joe" boards! You will love her great board themes - like Star Wars, Crafts, and lots of yummy food everywhere! Good job Jodi - keep up the awesome pinning! Find Jodi HERE.


  1. The article is awesome. That is a wonderful insight on the subject and I must thank you for sharing. I shall come back again.

  2. Yay thanks so much! My apologies for not finding out sooner... the notice went into my facebook "other" messages & I totally missed it! Pinning is so much to find the time to do all the wonderful things I find! =)

    1. WOW looking at this I have more than doubled my followers! Thanks! ♥


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