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Have Some Time To Kill? Decorate Your Keyboard!

Don't worry...everyone is doing it. You don't have to buy a kit to make it your own, you can create your own designs by using Japanese paper tape, aka Washi Tape. Just found a great source a few miles down the road from me HERE.

Or you can just purchase a "skin" for your keyboard to protect it from crumbs and spills:
Found on Amazon for $2.35 (click image for link)

This in-depth study of the keyboard decoration trend was inspired by Making It Lovely


  1. Such a neat idea! How do you add the numbers and letters? :D

  2. Wow! Looks unreal, but I think this would only tempt my kids to touch my laptop more and I don't want that! Tash

  3. Yes! I love this! I have a Happy Bunny keyboard on the laptop and my fave keyboard ever on my desktop. Hard to find, but it's totally waterproof and flexible. I can roll it up into a roll and pack it away in a suitcase for vacations and everything! So cute!

  4. this is sooo cute~
    first time i've seen this~
    i'm going to explore now!
    thank you for showing!

  5. Thanks for the feature! I love that rainbow keyboard, I hadn't seen it before!


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