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In The News - Blogger Now Supports Threaded Commenting

Just read this:

"Blogger now supports threaded commenting, which means that it is now much easier to differentiate between whether someone is making a general comment on the thread, or responding to another comment on the thread."

Apparently if you already have commenting enabled, you don't have to "do anything" to start the threading. This is going to be very useful to us bloggers who like to reply directly to a comment and not just the general population. Thank you Blogger!

You can read the whole story HERE.


  1. This is such GREAT news and one of the few features I ever entertained switching to wordpress for. Blogger is great!! :)

    Thanks for being on top of all of this for us...I probably wouldn't have even noticed!


    1. Ooh, trying it now for the first time! Thanks for your comment Linda!

      By the way, you do have to switch to Embedded comments in your Settings. Otherwise it doesn't show up. Just changed it and here we are!

  2. Ohhhhh! Thanks for bringing that to my attention! I saw the "reply" but it didn't click in my head! *shaking my head* If it had been a snake it would've bit me!! LOL

  3. I can't get mine to work. Maybe the changes hasn't reached me yet?

    1. Hi Lee Ann, you do have to enable full feed. If you read all the instructions from the Blogger Buzz link (above) you might be able to get it to work. Good luck!

  4. Besides embedding the comment form, you also have to enable full feed. I'm having some problems enabling it and will wait awhile while the quirks are figured out.

  5. I was having a lot of issues with my blog after this new feature was rolled out - clicking on posts and comments would bring up a blank white page. I had to disable embedded comments in order to fix the problems. I've noticed this problem on other blogger blogs as well and hope they find a fix soon!

    1. Vanessa, I have definitely noticed it takes a while to load and it's just a white space for several seconds. Any other problems you've noticed? I want to check it out.

  6. Ooooo exciting!! I wondered when they would do this. Very handy.

  7. I'm having trouble getting mine switched over. What am I doing wrong? Does it only start with a new post? This is great news!! Thank you, Blogger.

    1. Hi Alene, did you follow the directions as written at Blogger Buzz: ?

      The new comment reply system will show up on all your posts including previous.

      Let us know if you need more help!

  8. This is a such a clever idea! Glad they did it.

  9. Yay, I am beyond excited about this :)

  10. I have followed the directions - and still no luck. Oh - what step am I missing? what step?


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