Bloggy Help:

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Blogging Tips in Your Inbox - a New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year!

This year we really want to focus on helping our readers become better bloggers! One way we think will help is to send you inspirational ideas and posting tips every so often. If you're already on our newsletter list you will get our tips...if you're not already on our mailing list, you can sign up here to get some bloggy inspiration.

Steer The Blog Guidebook in some new help expand our readership and keep a reader's attention. Such as photography, crafts and travel!

Share the limelight...would you like to be a guest writer for The Blog Guidebook? We're searching for new and exciting bloggers who want to share their bloggy knowledge with others. Click here for more information.

What are your resolutions?


  1. 1 Lose 10 pounds 2. Invite more people over 3. Learn something new 4. Be more careful with my words

  2. To be a better blogger! So this is great! thanks!

  3. To learn how to blog correctly! And do fancy stuff on the blog.

  4. my goal this year is to help change the life of one person--

  5. Great comments ladies! I will join you in ALL your resolutions!

  6. I would love to share my blog tips with your other readers - I've written a bunch on blog design, photo collages and even how to make your own html buttons.

    My resolution: get my "wide load" off the couch (or computer chair) and get moving. W.O.R.K. and don't be afraid to SWEAT.


Comments are how we stay connected as bloggers. Let us know how you feel and we'll return the favor...stay calm and blog on!!! And guess what? You'll never find Word Verification on our gets kind of annoying when you can't read what WV wants you to verify right?

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
