Meet Crissa of BellaBud. She's a mom, wife, career woman, and blogger (like many of us here in blog land)! What I especially love about Crissa's blogging style, though, is that she is completely dedicated to her blog. I admit my family blog struggles to keep up with my hectic schedule. And I feel like my readers sometimes hang around out of the pure kindness of their hearts. But Crissa had really carved out a nice little niche in the blogosphere. She has a darling and well-designed site (so I can find what I need easily). She has regularly running features like Funny Foto Friday and So What Wednesday (which make her blog feel familiar when you are a repeat visitor, and give me something to look forward to). And she has that wonderful quality that I always look for in family or mom bloggers—honesty. She blogs about real life, and finds a fresh way to tackle that task every day. She is good at visiting other blogs, and then applying her favorite features from those blogs on her own. Crissa is a great example of a blogger who is embracing all the aspects of what a blog can be. She shows how you can be part of a larger community as a blogger, and still maintain your personal identity on your own blog, without feeling like you have to become someone else, or compete. Her tone is sincere, loving, inspiring, and one of personal improvement. Her motto and purpose for her blog is to "help inspire readers to move beyond past disappointments, failures, and/or mistakes and to work on a better version of themselves—through family, friendships, creativity, laughter, and a few other things learned along the way." So click on over and pay BellaBud a visit! It's where beautiful begins. :)

Very proud of my daughter and I only wish her grandmother could have seen this, but I know she's watching.